Are You Called?

5-Phone-Calls-That-Saved-Me-100I think one of the reasons that believers fail to live like missionaries is that they don’t feel “called.”  Pastors and missionaries are the ones who are called, everyone is else is just along for the ride.  That is simply not true.  God has called all of his children to salvation in Christ.  He has called everyone so they might walk in “good works” (Ephesians 2:10).

In Ephesians 3:1-13, Paul reflects on his calling to ministry as an apostle to Gentiles and in doing so gives us some very helpful instructions for understanding and fulfilling our own calling.  In Paul’s reflection, we learn that God’s call is always personal.  He has a place for you to serve that only you can fill.  We also learn that God’s call is always timely, His plan for you may be redirected or refined over time, but his timing is always right.  Finally, we learn that God’s call is always clear.   Not only will He show you what He has called you to, He will also show you how to fulfilling your calling.

Where has God called you to serve?

Author: jeremycouture

I am a husband, father, student, and pastor in Indianapolis, IN.

One thought on “Are You Called?”

  1. We always enjoy your comments on various subjects. Your last blog on conflict in the church was excellent. Thank you for your wonderful insight.

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